Monday, November 30, 2009

Finish for a Change

Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram, and together they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. But when they came to Haran, they settled there. (Genesis 11:31 NIV)

It is much easier to start something than to finish it. There is an old adage that says, 'it is not how you start but how you finish.' The great philosopher Manuel Diotte said, "Wining isn't always finishing first. Sometimes wining is just finishing." Success in dealing with the secular and the sacred is not contingent on the start of a thing but rather on the end of a thing.

How great of a man would Noah have been if God had given him the directive to build the ark and Noah built the ark half way? How great in Biblical record would any ink be wasted on the life of Nehemiah if he had heard about the walls in his hometown that were damaged, started the walls and then heard miserable comforters who beckoned him to come down, prompting him to stop the job half way?

Imagine then the God that we serve sent his beloved son Jesus to save humanity. But would we really have followed Jesus or worshiped Him if all He was able to leave was a testament of his goodness; feeding 5000, blind man able to see, deaf man able to hear, and a crippled man able to walk? Would He really be worthy of worship? It was not until Jesus was on the cross with his arms stretched out, blood trickling down his eyes down to his chest that he was able to declare so that men would see as a role model, 'it is finished.'

There is something that beckons us to greatness that God does not want men or women to just start good ideas, or to embark on great projects and not finish them. You could have been talking about 2 to 4 different careers but will you not finish something? You have probably failed to finish school, doing one semester and leaving three more semesters undone. Will you finish anything? As a new convert, one is usually in church shouting, praising and rolling around but after they get blessed, they sit in church like God owes them something. Endeavor to finish something.

God told Terah to shift his entire family. The place that Abraham and his family were living in was not were they were to die. Where you are right now may not be where you are supposed to be forever or die. The anointing the Lord is releasing on you is not for individual advancement nor is it for personal gain, but it is to shift your entire family. God promised to take Terah out of Ur of the Chaldeans.

Ur translates means, the place of fire. God is shifting you from an area in your life where you may have been under attack, and persecution. God took him from Ur to a place called Canaan- the place of promise. Unborn generations were able to walk on this promise. Whenever God gives a promise, it is not a seasonal promise, but a generational promise. Get ready for a shift because when God gets you into a wealthy place, you will not be 'hood rich' - where you have a nice car but don't have a house, dress good but your children look a mess. You will be wealthy.

On their way from Ur the place of fire and persecution to Canaan the place of promise, something happened. Halfway to their destination they got to a place called Haran. Archaeological facts state that, Haran is one of the wealthiest regions in the east. In 1832, they uncovered the tombs of 18 kings all of which were shrouded in 14 karat gold robes and gold headdress. Their wealth was so pronounced that the workers of their court were burred alive with them.

They said we would rather be dead than to live without our king. In "Haran" they had the best schools, best university, and water plumbing system. The problem was that as good as "Haran" looked, it was not the promise. The Promise was Canaan. Some people could be confused. Because they have a job or degree, they might think they have arrived. There is more to you than what you have now. They might become comfortable and complacent because where they are could be better than where they had left. Do not be satisfied with second best. Just because you have taken a step up doesn't mean you have reached the full flight of steps.

As you read the text you will notice that Terah was the father of Haran and the place were they stopped was called Haran. Many of us go half way because we can't go on after a person leaves us. After the breakup, or divorce, you may feel like the world has come to an end. Don't rely on a person, because when they are no longer with you, God promised to never leave or forsake you.

Some of you ought to thank God that some people left you early because they left you before you ever got your promise. If anyone is planning on leaving you, let him or her leave you at the half way mark. They shouldn't stick with you until you get to your promise. If you ever get discarded, dumped, or played, that is a sign that you are half way to your destination. God was not mad that they stopped. He was mad that they stayed.

When Terah set out to go to Canaan, he took Abram and his wife Sarai, and Lot Terah's grandson. We have a problem here because Terah has three sons; Abram Haran and Nahor, but when he had to go to Canaan, he didn't take Nahor. Instead he took Abram and his wife Sarai. Abram's name means 'man of faith.' In other words the only person Terah could take into the promise was somebody who had faith that the promise was still there. God is only going to release a promise to those who believe it is theirs. He took a man of faith and Sarai, which means princess.

When she got to Canaan she become Sarah, meaning queen. In this next shift God is not only going to bless men but women as well to seat on their own throne. Determine not to be second in rank for anything because you were born to be a queen. Terah didn't take Nahor. I couldn't figure the reason until I discovered that Nahor's name means dry. The secondary definition of Nahor's name means hoarse. One becomes hoarse from a dry throat. Terah couldn't take anybody into the promise, who couldn't use his or her throat.

Some people are too calm to the extent that even when they are under fire, they will not know how to praise God. Secondly, he could not take him because he was stiff. Terah needed someone who could get excited before they ever got to the place of promise. Get connected to somebody who wants you to praise God with him or her. If you can see your promises begin to praise God in advance. If God has given you an advance preview of what lies ahead of you, I dare you to praise God. What do you think Abraham did when he saw the sign, '10 miles to Canaan?'

Terah died in Haran. The Lord then told Abraham to leave the place where his father had died and go to the place of promise.

The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you." (Genesis 12:1 NIV)

The Lord has anointed you to go further than your father. Where your father would have stopped and quit, God put some extra kick in you not to stop and fall short of where your predecessors stopped. Some of you have perfect fathers but if you want God to stretch you to go beyond where you father was able to go, I dare you to finish something. God told Abraham that when you finish, I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. (Gen 12:1-3 NIV)

The Lord spoke to Abraham in Haran, the half way place where he was driving the best car, living in the best house, and making the best money he had ever made. God told him Haran was not the promise, Canaan was. He had more for him at the place of promise. Imagine what God has for you when you finish up? The lord has got more for you. God told Abraham to do what nobody in his family had ever done to FINISH! You are probably comfortable in "Haran". That is not it, go all the way and finally complete something.

----Dr. Jamal Bryant

Friday, November 27, 2009

Draw Near to the God Who Understands

"For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:15-16

There is great significance to the fact that Christ was born in the likeness of man and lived through adulthood on this earth. That Jesus experienced life from the cradle to the cross has great relevance to how we live our lives as Christians. Sometimes we might think that God being God cannot possibly relate or understand our incessant needs and weaknesses. We might be prone to think that we have sinned so much that we can no longer be forgiven.

We might be tempted to think that God has given up on us. Perhaps we have concluded that God doesn't care to hear our prayer, and if we do pray, we do it with a serious lack of belief, confidence, and hope. Yet the message from Scripture is that Jesus understands and even sympathizes. There is no need to be embarrassed or confounded by our neediness and weakness.

Christ wants to show Himself to be strong in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10), and He promises to meet our needs according to His good and perfect will (Philippians 4:19). His throne is a place of mercy and grace. He knows that we need help, and He wants us to come and ask Him for it.

He understands pain, for He was beaten and bruised for our transgressions. He understands rejection, for many professing followers abandoned Him. He knows what it is to be fatigued as He spent many long nights in prayer. He knows the frustration of laboring for the Lord when even His own disciples seemed to not understand. He can relate to family life, to the work place, to the meeting place for worship, and to the everyday issues of life. He hungered and He thirsted. Our God understands, for He has been there.

Yet, despite all that He experienced and endured, He did not sin. This has made it possible for us to be saved and to have the ability in Christ to draw near to God in prayer. We have the awesome privilege of approaching the God of the universe in prayer in the name of Christ. It is not our goodness that makes this possible but His. And given all that He endured for this to be made possible, how awful it must be to Him when we don't take advantage of this privilege of prayer.

We get to approach the very throne of God in prayer which is a place of supreme authority and power. This is where things can get done, where sin can be forgiven, where requests can be answered, and where hopes can be renewed. And because of Christ, this throne is not a place of the pouring out of God's wrath but a place of grace and mercy.

There is no reason for God's people to not offer their requests and petitions to God. There is no reason to think that God won't hear our prayers or that He wouldn't desire fellowship with us. He sent His own Son so that this could happen. We need to take advantage of this privilege and enjoy intimate communion with our Lord in prayer. If we have unconfessed sin, God wants to hear that before anything else. He is ready to forgive and not condemn. If we have needs, He wants to be asked to meet them. If we have weaknesses, He wants to provide the strength. When we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us (James 4:8).

Jesus had weaknesses, though He was without sin. We have weaknesses and sin. Yet our hope is that we can go and be forgiven this day and receive help and strength to carry on not from a God Who doesn't care or can't relate but from a God Who anticipates our needs and sympathizes with our struggles. When we come to understand the mercy, grace, and sympathy of our Lord, we will readily entreat Him for wisdom, provision, and deliverance from sin. We will eagerly rush to His presence to be cleansed from any unconfessed sin. We won't shrink away in fear, but we will run to His open and eager embrace. We have a God Who sympathizes and understands. Let us thank God for the work of Christ, and let us draw near to our gracious Father this day.

----Brent Barnett

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Thanksgiving Joy of Harvest

The term "HARVEST" appears frequently in Scripture, as the people of the Bible lived in an agricultural society. At Thanksgiving, the imagery of harvest frames our own nation's history, inspiring us with things reflective of Early America.

Yet Thanksgiving is about more than that.

It is a call for us to celebrate not only God's provision and restoration, but also His promise and presence--even amid delays, restricting circumstances, or tears.

Thanksgiving also calls us to constancy, for the journey to harvest will usually be harder than we think, longer than we expect, and more rewarding than we can ever imagine.

Scripture says, "Though weeping may endure for a night, joy comes in the morning" (Ps. 30:5).

For many of us, it's been a demanding year.

But as you and I come to Thanksgiving, the joy of celebration makes everything else incidental. When we finally see the harvest, it no longer matters how tough things were, how much time they took, or how heavy the pressures were. What's important is that we have answered the call to faith.

There is joy in that call. The Bible likens this joy after travail to a woman who has delivered a child. After the difficult months of pregnancy and the pain of labor, the baby is born, and what it took for that to happen doesn't matter anymore. There is only the songs of rejoicing.

These songs are a celebration of God's purpose through and beyond trial. It reminds us that triumph ultimately outlasts trial. And the triumph is en route, folks.

Even if we can't see what God is doing, there's evidence in our hearts that He will be faithful. This song is an invitation to constancy of focus--to go forth with sacks of seed, not just one.

So today, ask yourself: What are you sowing?

Even with the wind in my face, the sand in my eyes, the weeping from circumstance or adversity, we must keep sowing the promise of God. Not as one who is mindless or superstitious, but as one who knows that the God who makes a promise to His people never forgets it.

God has done more things of love and goodness in our lives than any of us can imagine. When you face the thing that hasn't happened yet, keep sowing.

With a heart of Thanksgiving, find joy in the harvest to come.

----Dr. Jack Hayford

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

For He is Good

Often at this time of year, we put a lot of emphasis on Christmas. As merchants compete for our attention, we start becoming preoccupied with putting up the lights, trimming the tree, buying presents, and so on. In the process of it all, we can very easily forget the beautiful holiday called Thanksgiving. Proclaimed as a national Thanksgiving Day in 1863 by President Abraham Lincoln, it initially was a religious holiday and, more to the point, a Christian holiday.

At this particular time of year we can sometimes forget about how thankful we ought to be. We need to never forget that God has blessed us to live, in my opinion, in the greatest country on the face of the earth, the United States of America. We have so many privileges here. We have a lot to give thanks for.

Certainly the Bible urges us to give thanks to the Lord. We are told in Psalm 106:1, "Praise the Lord! Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever" (NKJV). Colossians 3:17 says, "And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him" (NKJV). Then in Hebrews 13:15, we read, "Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name" (NKJV, emphasis mine).

Sometimes worship and thanksgiving can indeed be a sacrifice. Why? Because we don't feel like it. It may be because we are down or depressed or things aren't going all that well for us. Maybe we are experiencing hardship or a tragedy has struck, and we don't want to thank God. But Psalm 106:1 doesn't say, "Give thanks to the Lord because you feel good." It says, "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good."

We are quick to ask for help, but we are slow in returning thanks. Yet we should be just as definite in giving thanks to God as we are in requesting help from Him. As a result, there are at least three things about giving thanks that we Christians need to know.

First, to give thanks, we must recognize that God is in control of all circumstances surrounding our lives, both good and bad. Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose" (NKJV). God is paying attention to what is going on in our lives. And He knows what you are going through right now.

Second, we must realize that God loves us and is always looking out for our eternal benefit, even if what we are presently going through is difficult. As 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 says, "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal" (NKJV).

Third, we must realize that God is wiser than we are. He is always dealing with us for our best eternal good, where in contrast, we are always interested in what is for our temporary good. But sometimes what is good for us eternally is not easy for us temporarily. God will make that determination and work in our lives accordingly.

When is the last time you said...

Lord, thank You that you have allowed me to live in the United States of America...
Thank You for my church and allowing me to be a part of it...
Thank You for sending Your Son to die on the cross for my sins...
Thank You that He rose again...
Thank You that my life, which was once filled with guilt, is now filled with Your purpose and peace...
Thank You that no matter what happens, You are coming back again for me...?

------Greg Laurie

Friday, November 20, 2009

Lord Have Mercy!

Have Mercy On Me is not a phrase that you hear very often. When many of us hear "Have Mercy On Me," we immediately think of the Parable of The Pharisee and the Tax Collector.

You know where the Pharisee prayed to God, "Oh, God, I thank you that I am not like those other people--robbers, crooks, adulterers, or heaven forbid, like this IRS Guy, I mean Tax Collector. I fast twice a week and tithe on all my income." Meanwhile the Tax Collector slumped in the shadows with his face in his hands, not daring to look up, said, "God, Have Mercy On Me... I'm A Sinner."

This story reminds me of the story of a young lady who attends my church. About six weeks ago we had offered for people to come down for prayer at the end of service. This young lady came down and began to share the story of "Livin' la Vida Loca" (livin' the crazy life). She was excited about the fact that she was once that crazy troubled teenager and now she gets to work with troubled youth as a Detention Officer.

As we talked about Juvenile Corrections, I shared the fact that I used to be the Warden of a local Juvenile Correctional Facility. One thing led to anther and I realized that her younger brother used to be one of my kids in the facility. I quickly remembered that I had seen on the news several years back that her younger brother was murdered.

She shared the story of her 19-year-old brother being murdered execution style in 2005. Recalling a knock on the door around midnight one summer evening in 2006, that knock led to her 16-year-old brother going to answer the door. The next thing she remembers is hearing gunshots. One Year after her 19-year-old brother was killed; her 16-year-old brother was gunned down by a group of guys that were coming to kill her.

For years and years she walked around with the guilt that she was responsible for her brothers death. "I felt like I was brainwashed, I was brainwashed into thinking that I was supposed to live that crazy life forever." It wasn't until she quit saying "poor me" and truly humbled herself before the Lord, that things began to change. "I remember getting on my knees, with my face in my hands and tears running down my face."

Understanding that she wasn't worthy, she prayed this prayer "God, I know I'm jacked up and should have probably died instead of my brother. God Make Me Different; Change Me for Real, Lord Have Mercy On Me... I'm A Sinner!"

We all need to pray less like the Pharisee and more like the humble Tax Collector and this young lady (modern day tax collector). God I don't just ask for your forgiveness, God Have Mercy On Me... I'm A Sinner!

I'll close with these words from Jesus talking about the Tax Collector in Luke 18:14 "I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

Sometimes you gotta get down, so that God can lift you up! Lord Have Mercy!

-----Scott Williams

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Spiritual Test

We can all remember our school days when we were faced with exams. We spent all day in school-and still we panicked when it came to test time.

Why? Perhaps it's because our time in the classroom was only one part of the learning process. The other part was time at home engaging with the material through homework, worksheets, and flashcards-all designed to prepare us for exams and to make sure we had a grasp of the material and were headed in the right direction.
The exam brought panic because it was the culmination of all of our hard work and the measure of our direction and mastery of the material.

These exams and tests were for our benefit. They measured our growth, highlighted our strengths and weaknesses, and guided us to the paths we should take. The same is true of our spiritual lives. We face tests and exams on a spiritual level, but they count for greater consequences because the results of these tests are indicators of our eternal future.
We must examine ourselves with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and always be ready to be tested. Always being ready for exams is foundational to a positive life in Christ. Throughout 2 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul wrote about all that God taught him and what gave him power to live positively in Christ in the midst of fear, trepidation, imprisonment, and flogging.

In his conclusion to this letter he says, "Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves!" (2 Corinthians 13:5, NASB).

The Corinthians of old fell into the trap that some of our modern educators have fallen into today. If students are not keeping up and succeeding in school, some believe that the standards must be too high-so they lower the standards. The problem is that lowering the standards and changing the curriculum doesn't insist on accountability.

When we refuse to examine ourselves on a regular basis we are taking God's grace and salvation for granted. But don't miss the fabulous news: In this test that the Bible talks about, we can be always a success. Even those who fail the test can succeed.

If you examine yourself on a daily basis and find that you are in the faith, then you will be overjoyed by His grace and mercy and will give God the glory. But if you examine yourself and find that you have moved away from the truth, then God has given you an engraved invitation to repent and to return to the truth.

God promised in His Word to receive anyone who turns to Him. The moment you come face to face with the reality that you have departed from the faith by sinning gravely and you repent, God in His grace and mercy receives you. He embraces you. He forgives you. He restores you. You are, again, overjoyed by His grace and mercy and give God the glory.

Either way, God is glorified. Examine yourself.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Multimedia course on blogging

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Be Accountable: Watch the Company You Keep

"And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:" --Hebrews 10:24

Believers are called to think about how to help other believers live right. This not only applies to attending church, but also to being involved in a small group. Believers gather so that they can help one another and be accountable to one another.

I lift weights from time to time, and I've found that it is best to do it when I have a partner. A good partner will not let me skip certain things or slack off, but will force me to go ahead and take an extra set. When I get stuck, a good partner helps me finish what I am doing. In short, a good partner holds me accountable.

James 5:16 says, "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed." The word "faults" mean "side slips, transgressions, or sins." Notice that it does not say to confess your faults to your pastor. Your pastor is not the only one you are accountable to. There should be other believers in your life that you are accountable to.

If you're married then your accountability partner should be your spouse. If you are not married, there should be someone of the same gender who can come to you and ask, "How are you doing on this issue?" It should be someone that you will tell the truth to. You don't need to tell everyone your business, but you do need to be accountable to someone who can help you and provoke you to love and good works.

Unbelievers cannot be your hanging buddies. If they are, it will not be long before you are living in sin as they are. You also cannot keep company with those struggling with a sinful area, whether they are an unbeliever or a believer. You might say, "I can't cut that person off. He's family. She's an old college buddy." But you cannot minister to that person while you are slipping into the very same sin in which he or she is entrapped.

I used to have friends who gossiped about other people. I would be talking with them, and it was not long before they started talking about someone, and I would join in. I soon realized I could not spend my time sinning like that. I had to cut them off for their own good and mine.

You can't say that you can never be around unbelievers, because if that were the case, you would have to leave the planet. Unbelievers are not living right, but you cannot reach them with that attitude. You must operate in love. But keep in mind that you must maintain boundaries. God sets these boundaries because He wants His best for your life, and does not want you to go through things that you do not have to go through.

So, be accountable and watch the company you keep!

---Pastor Andre Butler

Friday, October 16, 2009

Empower Your Tongue With The Word Of God

There are literally hundreds of Bible verses dealing with "the tongue" ...about what we should or shouldn't say or speak...and the power of words over our lives.

One of the bluntest statements on this topic is found in Proverbs 18:21: Death and life are in the power of the tongue...

God's Word encourages us to give expression to our noblest and highest thoughts. Thoughts give rise to spoken words. When we "speak life" we are thinking and expressing out of our faith in God's Word, in obedience to His will, and in appreciation of His blessing over our lives.

Proverbs 21:23: Whosoever keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.

To empower our tongue to speak blessing over our lives and the lives of others, one of the best things we can do is learn to speak God's Word spontaneously in response to life situations. Speaking God's Word is also how we encourage and motivate ourselves. It's how we activate our faith.

Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

Sponsor AdAt some point in our past, perhaps words were spoken to us, at us, or over us that didn't match up with what God intends for our lives. Rather than replaying "old tapes" in your head -- of the "negative talk" that's been said to you or about you -- it's important to start making new tapes. Fill your mind -- and your mouth! -- with positive statements that you can speak and affirm over your life...that match up with what God has decreed for you.

Psalm 40:3: And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God...

Remind yourself of God's desire to bless you. Speak words of truth to yourself about His plans for you! Just as you speak and write affirmations to yourself, admonish yourself, too. To admonish is to advise - and sometimes, insist! Think of admonition as "preaching to yourself." When you admonish yourself, you are preaching what you know you need to hear! Speak to yourself what you know to be the truth of God's Word, and His commandments given to bless your life.

Here are some possible suggestions:

"God wants me to have good health - physically, emotionally, and spiritually."

"God wants me to have good relationships - with family and friends who will love and value me."

"God wants me to have peace in my heart - calm assurance that He will always protect me and provide for me in personal and eternal ways."

Speaking words like these, and repeating Bible verses that inspire you throughout the day, will strengthen your faith, draw you closer to God in intimate and abiding relationship, and empower you to lead a life of victory through Christ.

So watch your mouth, and empower your tongue -- with the Word of God!

----Pastor Paula White

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Sideshow

As a 33-year old, some may find it strange that I happen to be a big fan of 70's music. Not exactly sure how I actually became one.

I used to think it was because of all those crazy space outfits the bands back then would wear. Or maybe it was because many could argue that the 70's were the last decade real instruments were used or played by artists on stage. You can blame my generation for that.

One thing is for certain: the artists back then were great at telling stories through their music.

A great example of that talent was the 1974 classic hit, Sideshow. By far, one of my favorites. Who can ever forget that famous circus melody and barker announcement, followed by the legendary falsetto voice of Ted Mills, who sung these words ever so softly:

Step right up, hurry, hurry before the show begins, my friends
Stand in line, get your tickets, I hope you will attend
It'll only cost you fifty cents to see
What life has done to those like you and me

Then I first heard those words as a child, I (in ignorance) got excited. An avid fan of the circus, I just knew the singer would begin to talk about some of the trademark attractions I had come to expect and enjoy every time I went to "the big top."
But then came these words:

See the man who's been cryin' for a million years, so many tears (So many tears)
See the girl who's collected broken hearts for souvenirs
It's more exciting than a one man band
The saddest little show in all the land

What? Did I miss something here?

What happened to the human cannonball?
The tightrope walkers?
And of course, those incredible tiger-tamers?

What kind of circus act could have possibly caused all this pain? It took me a while, but I think I found one.

"For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind. But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God.

Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening?" (James 3:7-10v)

God has given us all a unique commission to bring forth fresh water to a world dying of thirst.
But more often than not, the water our tongues produce has a tendency to become bitter at times.

As believers, we all have been guilty of using our tongues to lift up prayers and songs of worship to a loving God, while at the same time, using them to attack out friends, family members, co-workers, and yes, even our church leaders.

Let's just be honest for a second; Our tongues can create quite a sideshow.

Like never before, our nation is looking for men and women of wisdom. They're looking for people whose tongues are so fixated on the love and kindness of our God that no matter the circus act, we are always able to give the world a better show.

Remember This: The power our tongues have can change the very course of someone's life.

I challenge us all today to examine the words we speak. The jokes we share. The emails we receive. And the ones we decide to forward. The world is taking notes on the kind of acts we are producing.

Don't miss an opportunity to show the world what life in Christ had done for you and me.

Step right up. Hurry, hurry!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Hard Fight Against Lust

The American Heritage Dictionary defines lust as "a sexual craving, especially excessive or unrestrained; any overwhelming desire or craving." While there are many types of lust, sexual lust is probably one of the most dangerous because it is a seed that, when planted, can produce a harvest of fornication and even death.

James 1:14-15 (AMP) says, "But every person is tempted when he is drawn away, enticed and baited by his own evil desire (lust, passions). Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death."

Anytime you have an overwhelming sexual desire for someone who is not your spouse, it has the potential to kill you and pull you away from the will of God for your life.

Why do people give in to sexual lust? Because it "feels good" or because they don't really believe that there are consequences. The truth of the matter is that lust can be difficult to control because it is a desire that cannot be quenched. Lust will never be satisfied; it must always have more.

To combat lust, you must create boundaries in your life that help keep you out of potentially compromising situations. If you're single, for example, avoid late-night visits and phone conversations with members of the opposite sex.

Or, if you know you are challenged in this area, confide in a friend who can keep you accountable and help you maintain your purity. But the best way to quench the fire of lust is through the Word of God. It is always the best source of power when it comes to defeating any type of sin, including lust. If you are struggling with lust, follow these steps to help you overcome this sin in your life:

1) Focus on the will of God. When you choose to give your attention to anything that opposes God's Word, you leave yourself vulnerable for lust to enter your mind, body and spirit. It then conceives and brings forth sin, and eventually leads to death. Stay focused on God's will and plan for your life. Stay on track!

2) Guard your eyes and ears. If you conceive a child, nine months later a child will be born. It is the same way with lust. If you sit up all night watching pornography, for example, that seed will be planted into your spirit and you'll eventually see the results of it in your life. Make it a point to monitor the material you allow into your spirit through your eyes and ears. It really does have an ability to alter your behavior.

3) Think about the Word. Satan's most powerful weapon is the power of suggestion. His job is to try to inject a pattern of thinking into your mind that goes against the Word of God. But if you continue to read and study God's Word, your mind will be better equipped to discern the truth from Satan's lies.

4) Speak the Word. Try this exercise. Count to yourself from 1 to 10, keeping your mouth closed. Now say out loud, "Glory Hallelujah!" What happened to your counting? It stopped. Why? Because it was captured by what was coming out of your mouth. You can combat lustful thoughts and desires by shifting your focus to the Word of God and making daily verbal confessions over your life about your purity and wholeness in Christ.

Make this confession over your life: Father, I thank You that today I am free from the spirit of lust. I will no longer think lustful thoughts, but instead I will think on things that are true, things that are noble, just and pure (Philippians 4:8).

I walk in complete victory and self-control over my mind and my body in Jesus' name, amen!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Watch Your Mouth

James 3:2-11 (NIV) "We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check. When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?"

Today the text shows us that the tongue is small but POWERFUL. The author of James begins chapter 3 by speaking on the power of the tongue. He says that if you could find someone whose speech was perfectly true; if you could find someone who knew how to control his or her tongue at all times; who never said anything wrong; then you'd have a perfect person who's in perfect control of their life.

The havoc that the tongue can wreak is monumental! It is the tongue as we'll learn today that can either build people up or tear them down. It is a beast that is frequently out of control. As Christians, we are warned to tame that beast rather than inflicting wounds, and use it to build the Kingdom of God.

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs gathered around the pit. When they saw how deep the pit was, they told the two fallen frogs that they were as good as dead.

The two fallen frogs ignored their comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all of their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were not getting out. Finally, one of the fallen frogs took heed to what they were saying and gave up. The other fallen frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped harder and harder and finally made it out. - Author Unknown

When he got out, the other frogs said, "Did you not hear us?" The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.

In this season, of your life let every word that is spoken to you, encourage you even if it's bad. The tongue has so much authority that many of us have to learn how to be mindful of what we say; how we say it; and who we say it to in this season of our life. I don't think any of us would deny that we have problems with our tongues.

Some of us struggle more than others, but each of us has to find a way to tame that beast. Let me give you a few steps to consider:

RETHINK YOUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH - just because you can say it does not mean it has to be said.
REFUSE TO TEAR OTHERS DOWN - instead use that same tongue to build them up.

Ask yourself, "ARE MY WORDS FRESH WATER OR SALT WATER" - will the words you speak burn a person or refresh them?

The second most deadly instrument is a loaded gun. The first is the human tongue. The gun merely kills bodies. The tongue kills reputations and often times ruins character. So today as the body of Christ, speak life.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Holy and Whole

Ireaneus, second century church leader, said, "The glory of God is a human being who is fully alive." Jesus said, "I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). There is a big misunderstanding about the Christian life. Many think only of it in terms of eternal life in heaven.

But eternal life starts the moment we know Christ as Lord. "As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins...God made us alive with Christ" (Eph 2:1, 4-5).

Paul prays that we will experience the fullness of God's blessings in every area of life: May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it (1 Thess 5:23-24).

Three words are important here: Peace, which means wholeness, completeness, harmony, soundness. Sanctify, meaning to make holy; to set apart for God's sacred purpose. Wholeness, which means connected to through and through.

God's work of grace in us is the word of wholeness. The Holy Spirit works in us to bring all of life under Christ's Lordship and blessing. The word salvation (sozo, Greek, Rom 1:16) means more than having ours sins forgiven and being promised heaven, as wonderful as those promises are.

It also means to set free and to make whole. Salvation is more than forgiveness for sins, escape from judgment and the promise of heaven. Jesus did not simply come into the world to save us from hell; He came to make us whole and to save us for an abundant life -- spirit, mind and body.

Christ came to restore humanity to the image of God.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Answering the Call to Holiness

Many Christians do not take holiness seriously. They do not realize that to be holy is a commandment from God. Since God has called us to holiness, we have to will ourselves to live the holy life. In 1 Peter 1:13 -16, we see God's call to holiness: "Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, 'Be holy, for I am holy.'"

We also find in II Timothy 1:8-9, "...share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began."

Everything that refers to God is holy. Holiness is the very essence of who He is. Our lives should always exemplify what Jesus' life was like when He lived on earth, because He exemplified what God's life is-a life of holiness. This was evident when Satan tempted Him in the wilderness. No matter what Satan tempted Jesus with, or how often Satan tempted Him, Jesus never yielded to him.

Holiness is the quality of life. It should not be confused with two similar terms such as sanctification, which means to be set apart, and righteousness, which means right standing with God. When you were born again, you were made the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ.

Paul tells us this in II Corinthians 5:21, "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." He also writes in 1 Corinthians 1:2, "... to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints..."

Sponsor AdGod makes us righteous and sanctifies us through Jesus Christ; those are things that He does. But it is up to us to be obedient to His call to holiness. We do not have to do anything to be sanctified, other than to live a sanctified life. Living the sanctified life is called holiness. This is how our character gets established. So Christians can't do anything to be righteous or sanctified, but everything to be holy.

It may seem difficult, but you can be holy, just as God the Father and Jesus are holy. It will take effort because it does not come overnight. You have to train yourself and remove yourself from unholy people, places, things and actions. You have to will yourself to do it. You have to go in the opposite direction of where your flesh or your mind may want to take you. You must remember that God cannot be involved in any kind of sin or immorality. When you get into sin or immorality, you park His power at the door and enter at your own risk.

Christians should desire to be pleasing to God instead of compromising their standards to please others. They must tell themselves, "I can abstain from fornication; I will not commit adultery; I will not worry; I will not overeat; I will not be jealous; I will not be envious; I will not be full of strife; I will not lie; I will not do anything that Jesus wouldn't do because I am holy."

To be victorious in living a life of holiness, you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. You need the Holy Spirit, the power of God, to help you because Satan will oppose you when you commit to obeying the Word of God. You need the supernatural power of God because Satan is a supernatural enemy. It is a supernatural life that God has called you to. It is a life of joy, peace and fulfillment.

The act of holiness is not an impossible task. God would never tell us to do something or be something that is impossible to accomplish. You can be holy; you can count yourself as dead to sin; you can overcome those temptations just as Jesus did because God has already made a way of escape.

Paul tells us this in 1 Corinthians 10:13, "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."

So, whatever challenge you're faced with, don't give up. It's a fight all your life. It doesn't matter how many times you fall; get up because one of these times, you're going to get the victory over that temptation so you can be right for God and live the life of holiness as you were called to do.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Never Lose our Faith

No matter in which position we are matter what the circumstances we are matter how much burdens and sufferings we are crossing....we should never lose faith from the Leader and Guide our body & soul, Christ Jesus. He is everything for us. HE only can rescue us and save us from any kind of circumstances. But that all this is in His time only. Pray and Wait for His guidance and deliverance. The Lord definitely answer our prayer. Our prayers everything is counting in His book. So never lose our faith and be cheer up in the Lord Always. Amen !

Thursday, September 3, 2009

YSR is no more

Alas...!!! it is a black day today. Our beloved CM Dr. Y.S Rajasekhara Reddy killed in Chopper crash. The entire Telugu people drowned in tragedy.

YSR killed in helicopter crash

Evidence emerging from the interior jungles of Nallamalla forests on Thursday morning indicates that the BEL 430 helicopter in which Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy was travelling crash-landed in the dense forests. The copter’s parts have been found strewn across a large area and initial reports indicate that the copter had crashed. All the five bodies, inclding that of YSR, have been found.

Monday, June 22, 2009

God's Strength In Our Weakness

He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.

(Isaiah 40:29)

Beloved! In the present day world, it is common to see people losing their confidence in life for various reasons. You may lament and say, “I am unable to concentrate on my studies" or, you might say, “All those who got married along with me have children. When will I get a child?" or "Will I ever get blessed in life?" or "my debts are going on increasing, how will I get out of it?" or you may have other burdens and wonder how you will get out of it.

The Bible says, “He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength” (Isaiah 40:29). When you place all your burdens at His feet, He will strengthen you and enable you to overcome them and make you happy. In the Bible, we read about Hannah whose womb was closed. But, when she poured out her soul before the Lord, God not only blessed her with one child but many children (1 Samuel 1:15; 2:21).

A father wanted his only son to become an engineer with name and fame. So he made many sacrifices for his son to get him into an engineering course. They approached the principal of an engineering college who promised to give the son an admission. The father managed to get the fees for the course with great difficulty and went to meet the principal. But the principal had changed his mind and refused to give his son admission which shattered the heart of the father and the son. But they had faith in the Lord, who strengthened them. By the encouragement given by the father the boy joined an Arts college and got his degree. Soon, he got a good job and passed all the departmental tests and rose to a high position in his career, much higher than the status of an engineer. Because he had placed his hope in God, he was blessed in a wonderful way.

Beloved! Do not be discouraged by the troubles in life. Remember that the Lord Jesus Christ loves you and desires to bless you. Hold onto Him and He shall strengthen you. Then you shall overcome your problems easily. The Lord Who blessed and lifted the head of Hannah and the son in the above incident will also bless and lift your head high. So rejoice!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Be a Practical Christian

Telling about Faith other Children of God and practicing the same Faith personally is entirely different. It is easy to share the faith through the Word of God and with many examples live and past. But when there is time to practice the same faith very very difficult. As child of God I had given counseling to many people....but...sometimes when there is time to depend upon the God's word....I also doubted. Of course..practicing faith is a continuous process till the end our life. Until then we have to face many troubles and temptations towards the practicing the faith and depending upon the Lord's be a practical Christian but not a Poetical Christian !!!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Faith is used 4 ways in the Bible

How do we get faith? (Rom 10:17)
Faith ... but not faith only! (Jas 2:24)

I. Introduction

A. Faith is not just part of religion but every aspect of our everyday lives:

1. Science: Ever seen electricity? You accept it by faith

2. Geography: Ever seen the Eiffel Tower?

3. Evolutionist’s often chide those who believe in God for their faith

a. No one has ever seen any evidence for evolution it is purely theory

b. It takes more faith to believe in evolution than God

4. Store phones you to say your order is ready.

a. You accept by faith the word of the operator that the order is ready

b. Driving down to pick up the order is an ACT OF FAITH

5. We accept God because of testimony of creation & Bible Rom 1:18-20

a. Repentance and obedience to God’s word is an ACT OF FAITH

B. Simple definition of faith: Heb 11:1

1. Faith is the substance of hope

a. "Substance": Lit. Greek: "a standing under"

b. Faith "stands under" our hope, is the foundation of our hope: Rom 8:24.25

c. Faith is the "title-deed" our pledge to things hoped: Heb 3:14

2. Faith is the conviction of things not seen: Heb 11:3

a. We accept God not only exists but He created everything in 6 days

3. Faith accepts even that which appears unreasonable: Rom 4:17

II. Faith (Gr: pistis) used in four ways:

A. #1: A Personal Belief, Mental Acceptance & Acknowledgement Of God’s Existence:

1. Heb 11:1,6 Assurance of things hoped for conviction of things not seen

2. 2 Cor 4:18 We look at not at things seen, but at things not seen

3. 2 Cor 5:7 we walk by faith not sight

4. Jn 20:27-29 how blessed are they who have not seen but believe

B. #2: A conduct or work inspired by the compete surrender to mental acceptance:

1. Just as repentance can be seen: Mt 3:7-8, so too "faith can be seen": Mt 9:2

2. Jas 2:14-26 We show our faith by our works

3. We must have an obedient faith:

a. Obedience of faith: Rom 1:5; 15:18: 16:26

b. Acts 6:7 word kept spreading, great many priests became obedient to the faith

c. Mt 7:21-27 not only call "Lord", but obey

d. by faith, Abraham obeyed: Heb 11

4. Faith is said to do work:

a. Gal 5:6 faith working through love

b. 1 Th 1:3; 2 Th 1:11 work of faith

c. Heb 13:7 considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith

C. #3: A trusting or trustworthiness: (pistis)

1. Mt 24:45; 25:21,23; Lk 19:17 "faithful servant"

2. Rom 3:3 the faithfulness of God

3. 1 Cor 4:2 stewards must be faithful

4. 1 Cor 15:14,17 if Christ is not raised your faith is vain, worthless

5. 2 Th 1:3 your faith is greatly enlarged

D. #4: The System Of Doctrine And Morality Peculiar To Christianity:

1. Statements encouraging us to properly maintain the system of faith

a. Jude 3 contend earnestly for the faith

b. Gal 1:23 preaching the faith he once tried to destroy

c. Eph 4:5 only one faith

d. Eph 4:23 until we all attain to the unity of the faith

a. Acts 14:22 encouraging them to continue in the faith

f. Acts 16:5 strengthen in the faith

g. 2 Cor 13:5 test yourselves to see if you are in the faith

h. 1 Cor 16:13 stand firm in the faith

i. 2 Ti 4:7 1 have kept the faith

1. 1 Tit 1:13 reprove then that they may be sound in the faith

k. 1 Ti 4:1 in later times some will fall away from the faith

1. 1 Ti 4:6 nourished on the words of the faith and sound doctrine

m. 1 Ti 6:10 wandered away from the faith

n. 1 Ti 6:2021 Gone astray from the faith

2. Statements of general interest:

a. Gal 3:23 before the faith came we were under the law

b. Gal 6:10 especially the household of the faith

c. Acts 6:7 obedient to the faith

d. Rom 10:8 word of faith we preach

e. Lk 18:8 will Jesus find the faith upon the earth when He returns

III. How do we get faith?

A. Some wrongly teach faith comes directly from God, the Holy Spirit or Jesus

1. The Holy Spirit directly imparts faith independently of any medium.

2. God directly "operates" upon the sinner’s heart to make Him a believer.

3. Problem: If a man has no faith, it is God’s fault!

a. 1 Ti 2:34; 2 Pe 3:9 God’s desire is for all to believe!

b. Jn 8:24 "unless you believe..." Jesus places responsibility upon man

4. Col 2:18 Many people claim God revealed something to then when God hasn’t.

B. God indirectly imparts faith through the sodium or instrument of the Bible:

1. Rom 10:5-18

a. Who will ascend into heaven? ANSWER: Deut 30:10-14

b. V8 "the word of faith"

c. V17 faith comes from hearing the word of Christ

2. Jn 20:30-31 these things are written that you may believe

3. Jn 17:20,21 believe on me through their word.

4. Bible and faith used interchangeably: Acts 13:7,8 Gal 1:11,23

5. Acts 14:1 spoke in such a manner that many believed

6. Acts 15:7 hear the word of the gospel and believe

7. Acts 17:11,12 searched the scriptures daily-many therefore believed

8. Acts 18:8 many Corinthians, when they heard were believing being baptized

IV. Faith ... but not faith only!

A. There is a difference between faith only and saving faith: Jas 2:17,24

1. Demons believe, even confess Jesus as Lord: Jas 2:19; Mk 1:24.25

2. Jn 7:12.13 no one was openly speaking of His

3. Jn 12:42-43 many believed but would not confess the name of Jesus

4. Jn 9:22 Parents would not confess for fear of being put out of synagogue

V. Conclusion:

A. If we walk by faith and not by sight, how can we see faith: 2 Cor 5:7


C. "If God said it, I believe it and that settles it!"

Friday, June 5, 2009

Prepare for the Rapture

The Rapture is at hand. It may happens in anytime when you are sleeping or running or ready to go to office, eating, quarreling with your spouse or cheating your spouse or your boss. No one knows the time of Rapture except the Father. So be prepared for that. We have EverReady for His Coming. There is no recomendation for to fly in Rapture. Everybody should save their salvation. Pastor son or daughter can not enter into heaven since their father is Priest. Their father also can not enter in to Heaven since he is a servent of God. He has to keep his faith and live a holy life. Then only it is possible to go with the Lord to heaven and enjoy the heavenly things in Paradise. So be prepared...Amen!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Innovation: Sixth Sense: A Web you can wear

Cambridge, Mass.

For all its celebrated omnipresence, the World Wide Web can seem like a closed world unto itself. It’s more portable now, to be sure. But those who visit it still must stare at glowing screens and tune out everything else around them.

To Pranav Mistry, this all feels highly inconvenient. The postdoctoral student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology wants online life to converge with real life, be it during a conversation at a party or a commute on the interstate. His latest project, a “wearable computer” dubbed Sixth Sense, lays out a path toward realizing this “immersive” vision of the Net.

“We like the physical world,” Mr. Mistry says, emphasizing the verb as though speaking on behalf of BlackBerry and iPhone addicts everywhere. “We want to merge the dynamism of the digital world with the objects we’re used to.”

At first glance, Sixth Sense seems disarmingly simple: a Web cam, projector, and battery pack hang around Mistry’s neck on a lanyard. The components, which together cost about $350, plug into an Internet-enabled mobile phone that rests in the wearer’s pocket.

As the device’s name suggests, this straightforward design aims at a rather lofty goal: to make accessing the Internet seamless in ordinary life. People take in sights and smells without a conscious series of instructions. So why should we reach into our pockets to look up information online?

If that’s tough to fathom, consider one of the features already built into the device. Say the wearer goes to the grocery store and picks up a box of cereal from the shelf. The camera sees this action and identifies the product. An Internet search automatically finds its exact specifications, such as the brand or nutrition facts. Then, the projector beams a green or red light onto the item, letting the wearer know if the cereal meets user-defined criteria. A consumer, for instance, might only want to buy a brand that is American-made, packaged in recyclable materials, or high in fiber.

When outside conditions aren’t enough to prompt the Internet search, Sixth Sense makes use of gestures. Tracing a circle on your wrist tells the device to project a digital clock on your arm – the world’s lightest wristwatch, a fan joked. And the most natural function of all might be the way the camera snaps a picture when the wearer frames something with his fingers.

In this early stage, Mistry wraps colored tape around his thumbs and pointer fingers, markers that make them easier for the Web cam to spot.

So far, there are just a handful of online databases that Sixth Sense can fluidly mine for pieces of what Mistry’s MIT adviser, Pattie Maes, calls “instant wisdom.” In addition to grocery store inventories, Mistry has programmed the computer to display book reviews from onto the books themselves, and project video clips about current events onto newspapers.

As slick and automatic as these capabilities might appear, they do not yet offer a significant upgrade over an Internet-enabled cellphone.

But observers are already envisioning future improvements to Sixth Sense that could result in some startling possibilities.

“Its current representation is a pretty fun parlor trick that has the roots of being a transformative capability down the road,” says Jonas Lamis, founder of the advanced technology research and consulting firm SciVestor in Austin, Texas.

Among Mr. Lamis’s predictions: Sixth Sense’s current projector will eventually give way to contact lenses that overlay data directly onto a person’s field of vision.

In places where we now find fixed advertisements, like posters or billboards, we will see ads calibrated to our exact location and interests, he says. We will effortlessly access virtual conversations, like those on Twitter, about the people, places, and events we come across in person.

And Sixth Sense-type computers with advanced facial recognition capabilities, Lamis says, might show information about the people we pass on the street. We would know if he donated to a political candidate, if she writes an environmentally themed blog, or if he appears in a database of registered child predators – all in real time.

“People in different areas are thinking about this as viable for consumers down the road,” Lamis says. “It [will have] really profound implications for how [we] ultimately see the world.”

Of course, those applications are a long way off. As Lamis points out, they will depend on improvements to related technologies, such as strength of wireless networks and size of computer chips.

They will also have to wait for a Sixth Sense business model. The MIT researchers have a patent on the way, but they are unsure what form their current prototype will take when it first hits store shelves. Mistry says it may eventually develop into a streamlined, all-in-one device.

The university has tinkered with several iterations of wearable computers over the years. Mistry’s model won’t be the last. But it has captured public interest like none of its predecessors.

Mistry and Ms. Maes presented Sixth Sense at the prestigious Technology, Design and Environment conference in February. Mistry now receives hundreds of e-mails each day about the technology – from artists who want to change the way they draw to hospital staff who want seamless access to patients’ vital signs.
