He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.
(Isaiah 40:29)
Beloved! In the present day world, it is common to see people losing their confidence in life for various reasons. You may lament and say, “I am unable to concentrate on my studies" or, you might say, “All those who got married along with me have children. When will I get a child?" or "Will I ever get blessed in life?" or "my debts are going on increasing, how will I get out of it?" or you may have other burdens and wonder how you will get out of it.
The Bible says, “He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength” (Isaiah 40:29). When you place all your burdens at His feet, He will strengthen you and enable you to overcome them and make you happy. In the Bible, we read about Hannah whose womb was closed. But, when she poured out her soul before the Lord, God not only blessed her with one child but many children (1 Samuel 1:15; 2:21).
A father wanted his only son to become an engineer with name and fame. So he made many sacrifices for his son to get him into an engineering course. They approached the principal of an engineering college who promised to give the son an admission. The father managed to get the fees for the course with great difficulty and went to meet the principal. But the principal had changed his mind and refused to give his son admission which shattered the heart of the father and the son. But they had faith in the Lord, who strengthened them. By the encouragement given by the father the boy joined an Arts college and got his degree. Soon, he got a good job and passed all the departmental tests and rose to a high position in his career, much higher than the status of an engineer. Because he had placed his hope in God, he was blessed in a wonderful way.
Beloved! Do not be discouraged by the troubles in life. Remember that the Lord Jesus Christ loves you and desires to bless you. Hold onto Him and He shall strengthen you. Then you shall overcome your problems easily. The Lord Who blessed and lifted the head of Hannah and the son in the above incident will also bless and lift your head high. So rejoice!
Telling about Faith other Children of God and practicing the same Faith personally is entirely different. It is easy to share the faith through the Word of God and with many examples live and past. But when there is time to practice the same faith personally....is very very difficult. As child of God I had given counseling to many people....but...sometimes when there is time to depend upon the God's word....I also doubted. Of course..practicing faith is a continuous process till the end our life. Until then we have to face many troubles and temptations towards the practicing the faith and depending upon the Lord's Words....so be a practical Christian but not a Poetical Christian !!!
The Rapture is at hand. It may happens in anytime when you are sleeping or running or ready to go to office, eating, quarreling with your spouse or cheating your spouse or your boss. No one knows the time of Rapture except the Father. So be prepared for that. We have EverReady for His Coming. There is no recomendation for to fly in Rapture. Everybody should save their salvation. Pastor son or daughter can not enter into heaven since their father is Priest. Their father also can not enter in to Heaven since he is a servent of God. He has to keep his faith and live a holy life. Then only it is possible to go with the Lord to heaven and enjoy the heavenly things in Paradise. So be prepared...Amen!!!